Pidvalna O. Features of forming clusters in the tourism sector of the regional economy.




tourist cluster, regional economy, competitiveness, state regulation, tourist-recreational sphere.


The article considers the differences of the regional tourist cluster from clusters in other sectors of the economy. Regional tourist clusters, on the one hand, have some common features with other cluster types, and are subject to the general laws of origin and evolution, on the other hand, have essential features that should be taken into account when purposeful in their formation and management. The study of the features of tourist clusters, which are formed taking into account the specificity of the industry, involves the existence of a special approach to the management of the cluster, which should focus on particular areas. These areas include: ensuring the institutional development of the cluster; ensuring full state regulation; creation of mechanisms for methodological support for the formation and development of clusters. It is proved that formation of tourist clusters occurs under the influence of objectively operating factors: resource, anthropogenic. It is substantiated that the activities aimed at the purposeful formation of clusters in the tourism sector of the regional economy should be directed, obviously, to the use of supporting factors and leveling, smoothing of the factors constraining the development of the cluster.


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How to Cite

Pidvalna, O. (2018). Pidvalna O. Features of forming clusters in the tourism sector of the regional economy. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 111–115.


