K. Lagler. Formation of the model of investment development of regional economic system.





regional economic system, investment development, investment attractiveness, scenario, model.


In the article three scenarios of development of regional economic systems in conditions of innovative economy are considered. It is confirmed that the competitiveness of the regional economic system depends on the organic use of both types of resources - tangible and intangible. It is proved that the modern development of intangible resources of a regional economic system must meet the following requirements: strategic orientation, innovation, complexity, systemicity, accessibility, economy. The main preconditions for the development and functioning of the regional economic system with consideration of the investment component are described. The model of interaction of subjects of the regional economic system in the framework of increasing investment attractiveness, which allows to take into account opportunities, interests and requests not only all subjects of the regional economic system, but also other regions, including the state and international levels. Realization of the model of interaction between the subjects of the regional economic system will increase investment potential, minimize investment risks, as well as lead to the development of strategic and intellectual resources, and increase the quality of administrative resources.


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How to Cite

Lagler, K. (2018). K. Lagler. Formation of the model of investment development of regional economic system. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 116–120. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169131


