B. Dergaliuk. The modernization of the economy as a precondition for structural changes in the state.


  • Bogdan Dergaliuk Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», м Київ, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8791-9121




modernization, modernization of economy, concept, essence, process, updating, development, structural changes.


In the article the definition of the essence term "modernization of the economy." A study of the theoretical background of scientists made it possible to point out that initially the concept of modernization was aimed at substantiating the process of social reproduction in the direction of transition from traditional agrarian production to industrial. This made it possible to consider modernizing the economy as a process associated with the transformation of social production. Transformation can be directed in the direction of the transition from the traditional to the industrial, or from the industrial to the post-industrial. It is in the direction of intellectualization of the economy and there should be modernizing shifts in the economic development of the country today. It was found that the essence of the "modernization of the economy" concept is interpreted by the microeconomic and macroeconomic approaches. By using mikro approach, the essence is reduced to the modernization process technology and production management update that serves locomotive modernization improvements economy. It is revealed that the essence of the "modernization of the economy" concept using the macro approach is considered as the process of social transformations in the social, economic, political and other spheres. It is proved that under the modernization of the national economy it is necessary to consider the civilization-social process under the influence of globalization challenges, which includes conceptual approaches to a qualitatively new development of the social system, structural changes in the national economy, aimed at the intellectualization of socio-economic relations. It is determined that modernization of the economy is accompanied not only by sustainable economic development, but also by a higher level of renewal of social relations. Modernization of the economy leads to structural changes, sustainable economic growth, renewal of relations, leveling of inter-industry and regional disparities, formation of new interconnections, formation of prerequisites for expanded reproduction, etc. Modernization leads to new advantages and opportunities for the subjects of the national economy due to new methods, forms, principles of management based on the intellectualization of the economy.


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How to Cite

Dergaliuk, B. (2018). B. Dergaliuk. The modernization of the economy as a precondition for structural changes in the state. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 133–138. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169174


