G. Patoshina. Sectoral priorities for the development of regional clusters in Ukraine.
cluster, economic sector, resource support, woodworking clusters, transboundary clusters, transport and transit logistic clusters, tourist clusters, clusters of engineering, IT clusters.Abstract
The strategic priorities of cluster development of industry and other sectors of national economy in Ukrainian regions have been formulated and explored in the article. The cluster model of innovative industry development implies the need to consolidate the potential of national production, available resources, infrastructure, regional science and education complexes, financial and advisory institutions, taking into account the traditions and skills of the local community involved in the creation of a regional cluster. Particular attention is paid to creating transboundary transport and logistic clusters in Ukraine, which can be considered as a bridge between the West and Asian countries through the territory of Ukraine. Transboundary transport and logistic clusters functioning significantly influences the development of industrial complex, which includes simultaneously clusters of several industries, agriculture, services, etc. The potential of creating transboundary industrial forestry, tourist-recreational and IT clusters in Ukrainian regions is considered. Sectoral priorities of clusters’ creation in Ukrainian regions with the participation of foreign partners from EU countries are substantiated. Necessary measures for promoting foreign investments in regions, reducing expenses for clusters’development and increasing export potential of national productionare considered. Identifying priority sectors of cluster development in Ukrainian regions opens up new opportunities for providing a new quality of economic growth and attracting foreign investment in these areas, that will have a positive impact on Ukrainian goods and services’competitiveness in the world market. The article is of a reviewnature.
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