N. Solidor. Analysis of green business development in Ukraine based on renewable energy sources.





alternative energy, bioenergetics, wind energy industry, energy saving, environmental safety, green business, innovative project.


The article examines the development trends of green business in Ukraine based on using energy from renewable sources. The results of the analysis of the energy balance of Ukraine for 2017, the indicators of the development of the bioenergy sector and the wind energy sector were presented. It was determined that Ukraine has a powerful potential of renewable energy sources, and the development of innovative technologies in the field of energy and resource saving, greening of production opens up broad opportunities for the development of domestic green business. Currently, the most promising areas of the Ukrainian green business are the production of biofuels and wind energy, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of their development. It is the development of these industries that can provide access to European and international investment markets and become the basis for creating an effective low-carbon energy in Ukraine. It was determined that in order to accelerate the development of domestic alternative energy, increase the efficiency of the results from the introduction of energy-saving measures, it is necessary to actively attract foreign and domestic investments in the production of energy from renewable sources, to coordinate the interaction of local governments and executive authorities, to implement international standards of energy and resource saving, to introduce green innovators, representatives of green business, researchers and scientists. The research results can be applied in the practical activities of the initiators of innovative investment projects in the energy industry, investors for making management decisions on similar projects and also as a basis for creating business plans for establishing an individual heating point (IHP) at utilities, private farms and building wind parks (WPS) in Ukraine. The work has developed proposals to accelerate the development of green business in Ukraine through the implementation of innovative projects for the construction of a modular alternative fuel boiler house and the construction of a modern WPS in the Donetsk region. The calculated economic indicators of the efficiency of the proposed projects indicate their relatively high economic efficiency and the advisability of further implementation.


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How to Cite

Solidor, N. (2018). N. Solidor. Analysis of green business development in Ukraine based on renewable energy sources. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 221–228. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169257


