S. Chelovan. The state of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine.





innovations, innovation activity, innovation development, sources of financing, management, industrial enterprises, risks, research, development, new products.


The article analyzes the innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine in 2012-2017. The number of industrial enterprises engaged in innovations is analyzed, the total amount of expenditures by directions of innovation activity, sources of financing of innovation activity is analyzed.The main direction of development of the economy is to increase its innovation potential. Strategically focused national policies to integrate education, science, production, consumption, financial system. It should be focused on the use of intellectual resources to develop high-tech industries, to create favorable conditions for enhancing innovation, introducing innovation, function innovation infrastructure, market innovation and technology.The main factor of economic growth and the proper place of the national economy in the global economic system is the effective use of innovations that become the decisive factor in socio-economic development and play a leading role in addressing the economic, environmental, social and cultural problems. In this connection becomes especially important consideration of issues concerning business and innovation, including innovation potential as a system parameter that characterizes the efficiency of business management in implementing the strategy of innovative development. The main objective of economic growth Ukrainian enterprises to make effective use of their innovative potential because its development is of great importance to the strategic objectives both within the company and in its external environment. Status and ability to provide innovative potential of innovative development company. Any state that does not create good conditions for the work of scientists, doomed to lag in scientific and technological development and the loss of their status. Withdrawal of the economy is extremely complex situation depends primarily on the level of innovation.


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How to Cite

Chelovan, S. (2018). S. Chelovan. The state of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 229–233. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169342


