O. Usуkova. Accounting and economic grounds for commodity and production strategies of the enterprise.





qualitative assessment, investments, integrated investment analysis, priority technologies, correlation coefficient.


Accounting and economic grounds for commodity and production strategies of the enterprise (it is expedient to consider enhancement of the efficiency of the enterprise's activity to improve the technology of production of certain types of products in accordance with the substantiated product strategy in the previous section. The strategic development of any enterprise is closely linked to the implementation of investments, which should ensure the updating of technologies, expansion of the range of products, improving the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Today, an accurate assessment of the investment capacity of the industry, reliable and reliable establishment of investment priorities remains extremely relevant. Therefore, the selection of the most attractive projects should be carried out according to a system of criteria and parameters that reflect the specifics of the industry and its investment priorities. It is very important to make a fair decision about investing in the dairy industry with a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors. To the external ones we refer to those that actually formed in the market and which form the terms of the project implementation, conditioned by the project and reflect its main characteristics. Internal factors are those that reflect the impact of the project on the company that implements it. The combination of these factors, in our opinion, forms the reliability of the project.  In the framework of this study, the significance of these factors was studied in order to develop certain recommendations for the implementation of the proposed methodology in practice. For this purpose, marketing researches of market capacity in relation to industry products and dynamics of its changes were used; a retrospective budget analysis of the structure, volume of investments in the implemented projects of the industry and expenses for the promotion of product projects. A number of characteristics were established solely by analytical methods - structural-analytical and factor-analytical, but the overwhelming part of the restrictions was determined by combining statistical and expert methods).


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How to Cite

Usуkova O. (2018). O. Usуkova. Accounting and economic grounds for commodity and production strategies of the enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 234–239. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169451


