N. Ryazanova. The system of energy and logistics clusters as an element of the development of alternative energy.


  • Nataliia Riazanova Державний Заклад «Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка», м. Старобельск, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5890-7738




cluster, alternative energy, logistics, energy and logistics cluster, power system, clusterization, cluster approach.


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the system of energy and logistics clusters as an element of the development of alternative energy. The article discusses the integrated energy system of Ukraine from the point of view of the logistics approach, as the main object of macro-energy systems, which includes producers and suppliers of electricity, as well as electrical networks. Macroenergy systems are regional energy systems. Microenergy systems - enterprises that are objects of microenergy. It is analyzed that the process of energy supply is closely dependent on the process of energy consumption, that is, there is a direct functional relationship. The relationship of the participants in the energy supply process is inextricable. In this connection, a complete logistics chain is formed and a logistics network is being formed. The fundamental principles of energy logistics are considered. Definitely one of the most important tasks of energy logistics is the implementation of real-time energy flow management in order to ensure reliable and high-quality power supply to the end user. Reflected trends in the development of the global market of logistics services and the market of logistics services in Ukraine. The expediency of creating energy and logistics clusters has been substantiated. It was noted that by minimizing costs in the areas of logistics and alternative energy, the formation of energy and logistics clusters can be an effective tool for the sustainable development of the national economy. A comparative analysis of various models of clusters in the developed countries of the world has been carried out, and it has been determined which of them is most appropriate for the formation of energy-logistics clusters. The most appropriate for the logistics of energy systems is the Italian model of cluster policy. In this model, there is a state program to support small and medium-sized enterprises, aimed at the cooperation of production with the scientific sphere. The European four-step gradation of clusters is considered and analyzed on the example of the EU countries and Ukraine. Six stages in the life cycle of the energy and logistics cluster have been identified. The structure of the energy-logistics cluster is presented. The development of the energy-logistics cluster should be considered as a specific program, which consists of a set of interrelated projects. The introduction and operation of clusters and cluster technologies in the context of modern challenges, globalization, increased competition is considered one of the promising means of ensuring the competitiveness of the national and regional economies.


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How to Cite

Riazanova, N. (2018). N. Ryazanova. The system of energy and logistics clusters as an element of the development of alternative energy. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 257–265. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169632


