T. Schestakowa. Approaches to the development of the emotional competence of modern manager.


  • Tatiana Schestakowa Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




organization, manager, intellect, emotions, emotional competence, model, method.


The evolution of scientific views on the value of emotions in managerial practice has been studied, models of emotional intelligence have been considered, it has been noted that the success of a person’s professional activity is largely determined by emotional intelligence. It is indicated that in most Ukrainian companies there is a misunderstanding of the importance of emotional management, the possibility of using emotional intelligence by managers is underestimated.  The main reason for the low level of development of emotional intelligence is the peculiarities of the national mentality associated with the specifics of education, social stereotypes, cultural traditions, and the technocratic approach to management.  According to the results of a sociological study, it was found that, despite the prevalence of logical approaches in solving managerial tasks, the lower level managers of industrial enterprises of the city (foreman, master) feel the need for closer, emotional interaction in the production process at the subconscious level.  In order to form the emotional competence of managers, a corresponding methodology has been developed, which includes both organizational measures and independent development of emotional intelligence. It is indicated that the formation of emotional competence is a long process that requires, first of all, a high level of motivation and is accompanied by certain costs (effort, time, money).  Since, at present, emotions are considered as part of the intellectual capital of an organization, the formation of the emotional competence of managers should become one of the priority activities of the organization to improve intra-firm management.


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  4. 4. Fajnberg, E., "Emotional intelligence. To have passion is more profitable than the mind" ["Jemocional'nyj intellekt. Vladet' strastjami vygodnee, chem umom"], available at: http://www.eq-rating.ru/content/view/245/2/
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How to Cite

Schestakowa, T. (2018). T. Schestakowa. Approaches to the development of the emotional competence of modern manager. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 266–272. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169650


