The problem of development of restaurant business in the context of world trends (on the example of the city of Mariupol).


  • Olga Lyubchuk ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine
  • Olena Hryvtsova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



restaurant business, world trends, gourmet tourism, hospitality, Mariupol, Greek gastronomic culture.


The article describes the current problems and barriers to the development of the restaurant business in Ukraine. Prospects of development of the domestic market of restaurant services are shown. The world tendencies of development of restaurant business typical for Ukraine are presented. Global trends are determined on the basis of an analysis of the specialization of well-known restaurants in Europe and Japan. The development of gourmet tourism as a world trend is exemplified by the examples of the city of Mariupol. The tendency of development of national cuisine as a component of hospitality in the service sphere is considered. The basis of modern development of national cuisine is the introduction of the author's hospitality technologies. The author bases the author's hospitality technologies on the world principles of gastronomic culture. The features of national gastronomic culture of restaurant facilities have been analyzed. The given analysis was conducted on the basis of rating of establishments of restaurant economy of Ukraine. The characteristic principles of the domestic gastronomic culture of the restaurants are distinguished. These include the following principles: the principle of using local products, the principle of the availability of the author's cuisine, the principle of creative approach to cooking, the principle of having a seasonal menu, the principle of product quality on the "freshest" indicator, the principle of affordability in price policy; principle of application of high technologies in cooking. Features of Greek cuisine of restaurants are presented. The principles of Greek hospitality are systematized based on the analysis of its gastronomic culture. The principles of Greek gastronomic culture are defined: the principle of simplicity of cooking, the principle of quality of products according to the "freshest", the principle of using local products, the principle of achieving the diversity of flavors of national products, the principle of obligation of spices, the principle of meal time, the principle of family. The study found that the city of Mariupol is the spiritual, cultural center of the Azov Greeks. Features of the national cuisine of the Azov Greeks are presented in the restaurants of the city of Mariupol. There are differences between the Greek gastronomic culture and the gastronomic culture of the Azov Greeks. The stated conditionality of these differences is the historical, cultural and climatic features of the development of Greek national cuisine in the restaurants of the city of Mariupol.


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How to Cite

Lyubchuk, O., & Hryvtsova, O. (2019). The problem of development of restaurant business in the context of world trends (on the example of the city of Mariupol). REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 49–56.


