Practical aspects of business administration of process of environmental management in Ukraine and Poland.


  • Tetiana Gorokhova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Anastasiia Zarahulova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



natural resources, environmental management, state environmental management, mechanism of natural resources management, business administration of environmental management.


The article shows that environmental policy is one of the most important factors for sustainable development of the state. The essence of problems between society and nature is determined by the ever-increasing need for social production in natural resources and the progressive deterioration of human life. Environmental business management is just one of the slices, or aspects of a broader problem that is about streamlining the economy, and the primary entity at which the problem is to be addressed is the environmental enterprise. This issue was addressed through the example of the nature management mechanism in Poland. A comparative analysis of current environmental practices in Poland and Ukraine was conducted. The essence of natural resources has been identified as an object of management of rational environmental management. The basic mechanisms of natural resource management were identified. It should be noted that a feature of the conceptual development of the deployment of productive forces is a high focus on the needs of practice. The current stage of the formation of state regional policy is focused on the effective use of the internal potential of the territory and the formation of a new institutional structure and its implementation at the regional level. By means of comparative analysis, the state-legal mechanism of environmental protection in Ukraine and Poland was compared. Such analysis helps to reveal the effective and ineffective tendencies of nature management, which proposes to transform the results of the analysis with consideration of Ukrainian peculiarities in the management of natural resources in order to improve the level of administration of environmental management processes in Ukraine, which will undoubtedly positively affect the relationship between the community and nature. Recommendations were given on the use of a range of instruments, both administrative and especially economic in nature, which enhance the effectiveness of state regulation in the field of environmental management and ensure the environmental security of regional development.


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How to Cite

Gorokhova, T., & Zarahulova, A. (2019). Practical aspects of business administration of process of environmental management in Ukraine and Poland. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 21–27.


