Creation an innovative mechanism of tariffing for the marine industry enterprises.




transport, port charges, efficient use, development strategy, turnover, market entity, source of financing.


The authors investigated the concept of economic mechanism and highlighted the key tools for implementing effective management decisions at maritime transport enterprises. The authors considered the problem of formation of the level of port charges at the enterprises of maritime transport. The author has developed the author's innovative tariff formation mechanism in order to modernize the existing approaches to the modern tariff formation system, the mechanism has an extended systematic list of key elements. The authors analyzed and formed the list of functions of the SE "Administration of Seaports of Ukraine", functions performed by the collection of port dues. The new tariff formation mechanism is based on the key components: general information, regulatory framework, tariff budgeting, technical operation. The authors analyzed and systematized that the following information should be included in the general information: state and sectoral construction standards, resource standards for the operation of the modern dredging fleet and indicators of socio-economic development of the country; The following should be attributed to the base of distribution and preferences: the exchange rate, the processing of cargoes along the waters of the seaport, the weight capacity of seagoing vessels, and the basic system of preferences. In their work, the authors summarized the regulatory framework presented by the following legal acts: the Law of Ukraine "On Seaports", the decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It was rather systematic that the list of elements of technical operation should include the elements: register and database of hydraulic structures, technical inspection, navigation hydrographic support. It was analyzed that the creation of an innovative tariff formation mechanism is crucial for the economic task of calculating tariffs for Ukrainian seaports. The use of copyright developments will be an effective impetus for the transformation of the tariff system in maritime transport enterprises, taking into account the technical and economic features of the functioning of strategic objects of the port infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Logutova, T., & Poltoratskiy, M. (2019). Creation an innovative mechanism of tariffing for the marine industry enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 28–33.


