Improving the investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises


  • Svitlana Bessonova SHEI "Priazovsky State Technical University", Ukraine
  • Andrii Komarov graduate student, SHEI "Priazovsky State Technical University", Ukraine
  • Victoria Surhan SHEI "Priazovsky State Technical University" , Ukraine



investments, investment attractiveness, industrial enterprises, financial condition, economic development.


The article deals with the concept of investment attractiveness of an enterprise and its fundamental importance for development in times of crisis. The article describes the characteristics of the concept, the views of researchers, emphasizes the inaccuracy and limitations of research on this issue, identifies ways to solve this problem, the purpose and goals of introducing innovations at enterprises. Methods and ways to increase investment attractiveness at industrial enterprises in the future are studied.

The basis of this study is a symbiosis of theoretical and methodological factors that influence the process of improving the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise. The practical results of the study will allow enterprises to stabilize their financial position, be more competitive, normalize their activities in times of crisis and attract more investment due to a more attractive position

Key words: investments, investment attractiveness, industrial enterprises, financial condition, economic development.


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How to Cite

Bessonova, S., Komarov, A., & Surhan, V. (2023). Improving the investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises . REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (1(38), 75–80.