Analysis of Business Processes of Gas Supply Companies in Ukraine and Directions of their Digitalization




natural gas, market;, supply;, digitalization;, information platform.


The aim of the study is to analyze the essence of business processes of economic entities in the natural gas market and to investigate the directions of their digitalization. The object of the study is business processes of entrepreneurial activity in the natural gas market. The subject of the research is the directions of digitalization of these business processes. The article addresses an important scientific and practical problem of implementing digital technologies in the business processes of the gas industry of Ukraine in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of companies. The article defines business processes of gas supply companies and proposes their classification. Taking into account the specifics of the companies' activities, business processes are divided into integrated (main and managerial) and basic (auxiliary). The main directions of business process digitalization are identified: electronic document management and digital platforms (trading and informational). Specific solutions for digitalization in these areas are analyzed. It is revealed that the most digitalized processes are those related to the purchase/sale, supply, transportation, and storage of natural gas. Prospects for further digital updating of managerial and basic business processes are determined. The research results contribute to the development of theoretical foundations and practical aspects of digitalization of business processes of gas supply companies in Ukraine, which ensures an increase in their efficiency, competitiveness, and contributes to the development of the gas industry as a whole.


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How to Cite

Mints, O., & Miliaieva, Y. . (2024). Analysis of Business Processes of Gas Supply Companies in Ukraine and Directions of their Digitalization. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (1(39), 43–54.