The influence of the development of innovative technologies on the personnel potential of an industrial enterprise




innovations, personnel, personnel potential, innovative development, personnel development, industrial personnel


Solving the problem of staff potential development is now an important condition for increasing the competitiveness of products and works of organizations of various forms of ownership. Modern highly developed production is characterized by constant and significant variability, which implies the corresponding enrichment of professional qualifications and experience of employees. In this regard, the potential of personnel, which is a set of opportunities and abilities to perform a certain type of work, is transformed under the influence of innovative technologies that are constantly being implemented. The purpose of this article is to study the functioning of the personnel potential system of an industrial enterprise under the influence of the development of modern innovative technologies. The article substantiates the main principles of the development of the personnel potential of the enterprise, developed recommendations for their implementation and the impact of the implementation of these principles on the level of personnel potential within the organization. The main directions of measures for the development of the personnel potential of the enterprise are given (assessment and diagnosis of the current situation; systematic updating of the personnel policy; creation of new and updating of the used methods and measures; control, evaluation and continuous development of personnel management processes). One of the main factors of economic growth in modern conditions of economic development is an adaptive, flexible, mobile personnel policy and the processes of forming the personnel potential of enterprises in industry. Personnel potential of industrial enterprises is a generalized characteristic of the system of formation, distribution and use of personnel, which includes both those employed in production and those who are not employed, but are able to work due to their capabilities.


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How to Cite

Bessonova, A., & Muterko, H. . (2024). The influence of the development of innovative technologies on the personnel potential of an industrial enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (1(39), 87–94.