O.B. Nosovska, M.V. Makarenko. Problems and prospects of development of a transport infrastructure of Ukraine.


  • О. Б. Носовська ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • М. В. Макаренко ДВНЗ «Азовський морський інститут», м. Маріуполь,




a transport infrastructure, port services, transport system, cargo base, infrastructure modernisation, modernisation of ports


In article modern problems of development of a transport infrastructure are considered, the role and value of all types of transport for state economy is proved. The role of sea transport is especially underlined, the infrastructure current state in ports of Ukraine is shown, and also the cargo base processed in domestic seaports is analysed. At an estimation of cargo base for 2013 some scenarios of development of national economy have been considered, the primary goals which follow from the purposes of the basic policy are named.


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How to Cite

Носовська, О. Б., & Макаренко, М. В. (2014). O.B. Nosovska, M.V. Makarenko. Problems and prospects of development of a transport infrastructure of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.27.2014.35575