S.I. Bessonova. Analysis of attracting investment in the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises.


  • С.И. Бессонова ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет»,




power-hungryness, power to efficiency, investment resources, legislative adjusting of energy-savings and power to efficiency in Ukraine, investments, innovations, objects of intellectual property, industrial enterprises.


In the article the problems of power-hungryness are considered in an industrial sector. Research of the state of metallurgical industry is conducted on the modern stage.The legislative adjusting of energy-savings and power to efficiency is analysed inUkraine. The modern state of investments, directed  in an industrial sector is investigational. The comparative analysis of volumes of direct foreign investments is presented from a calculation on one habitant inUkraineby comparison to other European countries. An analysis innovative of active enterprises is conducted on directions from the general amount of enterprises which carry on innovative activity. Innovative activity of industrial enterprises is analysed on the level of technological production. Problems which do not allow in full to utillize innovative intellectual assets are exposed.  Sourcings innovative activity of the Ukrainian industrial enterprises are analysed. The comparative analysis of financial results of activity   of major and middle concerns of metallurgical and machine-building complexes is conducted. Foreign experience of stimulation of introduction of energy-saving technologies is investigational. Suggestions are borne on introduction of metallurgical and machine-building industries of measures industrial enterprises on the energy-savings of resources.


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How to Cite

Бессонова, С. (2014). S.I. Bessonova. Analysis of attracting investment in the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.27.2014.35584