Sivolap L. Theoretical aspects of national security and the impact on her economic security.


  • Л.А. Сиволап Маріупольський державний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



security, national security, system criteria, state, national interests.


The article reveals different views of many scientists essence of national security. The basic elements of the structure of the national security (national security, public safety, technological safety, environmental safety and protection from the threats of natural disasters, economic security, energy security, information security, personal security, political security, military security.). The features of the national security of the country and its principles (priority provision Ukrainian national interests, the priority of preventive measures to ensure national security, the inevitability of retribution for the creation of conditions or actual harm to Ukrainian national interests, legitimacy, inviolability of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, unconditional giving priority to the rational and preventive security, centralized management, coordination and interaction between public and private subsystems of national security regulator responsible for the decisions of the NSC, mutual responsibility of the individual, society and the state and so on ) Are the main components of national security, namely the protection of public order; protection of public order; ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty; ensure political and economic independence of the nation; the health of the nation; protection of public order, combating crime; technogenic safety; protection against threats to natural disasters. Stated criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of national security.


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How to Cite

Сиволап, Л. (2014). Sivolap L. Theoretical aspects of national security and the impact on her economic security. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 55–62.