Kyslova L.Features forming models the economic security of country.


  • Л.А. Кислова ГВУЗ «Маріупольський державний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



model, economic security, national security, economic security model, government regulation.


The article discusses the essence of the concept of "model", "model of country" and a "model of economic security". The selected criteria and approaches to economic security. Dedicated stages and elements (national security policy, policy of economic security; environment)forming a model of economic security. A sphere of operation parameters of economic security(development opportunities, development needs, infrastructure indicators, balance sheet ratios) and indicators of economic security(absolute: synthetic and analytical, relative:general and thresholds). Model deals with economic security, which must take into account not only national characteristics of the conditions of a particular country, but also be capable of integration with similar models in other countries. The existing model of economic security based on different countries (US, Japanese, German, Euro-Keynesian model (characteristic of England, France, Italy, Austria), the Swedish model and the economic security of newly created states or those that perform fundamental change of the system management (Russia, China)). Based on foreign practice, revealed the possibility of state regulation of international experience in providing economic security of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Кислова, Л. (2014). Kyslova L.Features forming models the economic security of country. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 73–80.