Lazareva A. Financial security of the country: the threat and the main directions of strengthening.


  • А.П. Лазарева Маріупольський державний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



financial security of the state, fiscal security, monetary security, security tax, banking security, investment security threats.


The article describes the essence of the financial security of the country, particularly its components (budget security, information security, debt security, stock security, security of business sector, monetary security, banking security, investment security, safety of the money market, the tax security). Are given the elements of financial security, such as the effectiveness of the financial system, the independence of the financial system, the competitiveness of the financial system. Disclosed indicators of financial security in the country, namely: budget security, safety monetary market and inflation processes, monetary security, debt security, security of the insurance market, banking security, the security of the stock market. Identified external and internal threats of  the financial security of the state (imperfect fiscal system, the inefficiency of the system, of cost control, of budget funds, untimely adoption of the State Budget; unreasoned monetary policy; inefficiency of the tax system, the massive tax evasion; excessive state budget deficit and mainly emissive coating of it, the growth of the "shadow" economy, strengthening its criminalization, underdeveloped of modern financial infrastructure, the growth of foreign debt, the irrational use of foreign credits; unregulated surge of foreign capital in Ukraine and providing it  with benefits relatively to domestic and more) and the main directions of its strengthening in the areas of public policy such as: foreign economic policy, monetary policy, public debt policy, tax policy, monetary and banking policies.


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How to Cite

Лазарева, А. (2014). Lazareva A. Financial security of the country: the threat and the main directions of strengthening. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 88–94.