О.О. Plakhotnik. Mechanism for effective management of innovation processes of an enterprise.


  • О.О. Плахотнік Дніпродзержинський державний технічний університет, м. Дніпродзержинськ, Ukraine




innovation, management, monitoring innovative potential.


The work proposes a mechanism of monitoring of innovative processes of a company providing the performance of complex organizational reconstructions conducing to the dynamic development of a company and being the basis of its innovative potential. Stages of monitoring of the innovative potential of a company consist of: the systematization of the input information; the analysis and the estimation of the innovative potential; the applied realization of changes.
At the first stage it is important to develop methodological and methodic backgrounds in order to collect, accumulate, and process the information about the innovative potential of a company in general as well as on technological, organizational and managerial, economic, marketing, social, ecological, and information innovations. To provide monitoring, an information system of monitoring of the company innovative potential is adapted. The methodologies of monitoring of the company innovative potential are grounded in the collection of structured and unstructured information of an internal market, data about a company, and aspects
of an environment. The data about a company contain economic, technological, social, and marketing key indices and the organization of management. At the second stage there is the system analysis of factors of internal and external  environments, the analysis of a structure and the dynamics of the innovative potential development, the estimation of its level and possible reserves. At the third stage there is processing of monitoring results, the determination of optimal ways of its development, strategies of enhancement, and the choice of tactics for the enhancement of innovative potential. Measures for the increase of a level of the company innovative potential are developed and implemented (for short, medium, and long-term prospects). Processing of the results of monitoring is performed with the use of the information and analytical system of monitoring of the company innovative potential. To apply the mechanism of monitoring of the company innovative potential, the article proposes to use the complex information system acting in terms of a single information environment of a company. It provides unified processing of information, the increase of efficiency of the interaction of top, middle, and low-level managers.


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How to Cite

Плахотнік, О. (2014). О.О. Plakhotnik. Mechanism for effective management of innovation processes of an enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 108–117. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.27.2014.36529