Vasilichev D.V., Trifonov G.F. The problems of development and management in innovative activity of labour resources in the region.


  • Д.В. Василичев Запорізький національний технічний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine
  • Г.Ф. Трифонов Запорізький національний технічний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



innovation, development, organization, control center, innovative development, creative thinking.


Under consideration were some aspects that hinder the economic development of the country to an innovative direction. The manufacture and export of competitive products are impossible without innovations. At the same time, an innovative product is created in compliance with many conditions, for example, the presence of creative potential of people, motivation and stimulation of innovative activity, necessary financing, high level of culture in a company organization and other conditions. For all these conditions, there are substantial difficulties in their implementation inUkraine.

During the period of social and economic existence of the state, there is a tracked falling trend in the creative development of young people in the market conditions. Loss of interest in education, self-development, professional growth has led to the fact that the creative activity of young people has decreased. Most managers of small and medium businesses do not have abilities to upgrade and form innovative systems of management of the workforce. Also, labor groups have a low innovation capacity.

Motivation and stimulation of the innovative development of competent personnel is not systematic. Strategies and tactics of remuneration in an innovative activity is not developed.

In practice, there are some well-known methods and ways of stimulation in use, that are based on the Soviet experience. New approaches of stimulation are also used from foreign practices.

The innovation development of company personnel is inextricably linked to the dynamics of innovation at the state level. The higher the level of innovation of the personnel, the higher the level of social-economic development of the country and its people. It is necessary to take active and effective measures to accelerate the innovative development of human resources at all levels of the state management mechanism of the development.

To provide specific methodological and practical assistance for enterprises in their innovative development, it is suggested a creation of regional innovation centers, which would involve in their work interaction with Universities, scientific research institutes, recruiting and consulting agencies, innovation-active enterprises personnel (innovators, innovators, inventors).


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How to Cite

Василичев, Д., & Трифонов, Г. (2014). Vasilichev D.V., Trifonov G.F. The problems of development and management in innovative activity of labour resources in the region. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 124–130.