Zhyvko Zinaida Bogdanivna. Expert assessment system for monitoring economic security


  • Зінаїда Богданівна Живко Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ, Ukraine




economic security, economic security system, monitoring, evaluation methods, forecasting, expert evaluation


The article emphasizes the importance of expert evaluation of economic security for its efficient operation and management of economic security (SEBP). An objective assessment of economic security cannot be based on an arbitrary set of indicators. Their choice is  due to the fact that all the indicators describing various aspects of achievement and support required for the development of enterprise and level security; so the evaluation of economic security needs to develop a system of indicators, taking into account the basic requirements for their choice. It is proved that internal and external threats should consider further profound economic activity. The author investigates monitoring (SEBP) and the methods of solving this problem. It is proposed to apply the basic criteria concordance coefficient of the experts consistency via a point system of estimation the value of various indicators of EFPs result in a comparative form. A breakdown of each functional component  determines the limit values of the evaluation that are characterized by a particular algorithm. The results of the review of the most common approaches to economic security assessment showed that economic security assessment should be based on a comprehensive, multivariate approach; because of the large number of internal and external threats a two-tier system of receiving and processing information is required; a method of obtaining and processing information, which will take into account the specifics of the company, the necessary amount of input information and an opportunity to obtain results must be developed for each level.


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How to Cite

Живко, З. Б. (2014). Zhyvko Zinaida Bogdanivna. Expert assessment system for monitoring economic security. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 111–116. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.28.2014.42512