Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Management of the human capital of the metallurgical enterprises


  • Л. А. Горошкова кафедра менеджменту організацій та логістики, ДВНЗ «Запорізький національний університет», м.Запоріжжя, Ukraine
  • В. П. Волков кафедра менеджменту організацій та логістики, ДВНЗ «Запорізький національний університет», м.Запоріжжя, Ukraine




human capital, management of capacities, metallurgical enterprises, use of the human capital


In work is investigated mutual influence of dynamics of loading of capacities and level of use of the human capital of the metallurgical enterprises as indicators of their stable development.

The positive and negative aspects incomplete loading of capacities are appreciated and is proved, that incomplete loading on 25-30 of % is wholly justified. At her expense, such positive results are reached. Prevention of overproduction in branch. Crisis’s 1974, 1979 and 1989 in metallurgical area, were caused including overproduction of production and consequently in world metallurgical branch the constant attention to a parity of volumes of manufacture and consumption of steel in the world is given. Prevention of loss of profitability. In a situation of recession of manufacture it is necessary to keep up to a crisis level of profitability, instead of to reduce his level at preservation of volumes of use of capacities and simultaneous decrease arrived of the enterprises of branch. Optimization and to raise of efficiency of repair work at the enterprises. At drawing up of the plans of repair work the wholly planned decrease of a level loading of actual capacities with simultaneous increase of quality of these works, completeness of their performance is carried out. Optimization of a level use of labour potential of branch and separate enterprises. The personnel, which temporarily is liberated at decrease of actual capacities, due to be used with the purpose of realization of scheduled repair work.


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How to Cite

Горошкова, Л. А., & Волков, В. П. (2015). Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Management of the human capital of the metallurgical enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.29.2015.52188