Bukharina L., Yurtseva H. Implementation of innovative model of employees' motivation in the change management process


  • Л. М. Бухаріна кафедра менеджменту організацій та логістики, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Запорізький національний університет», Ukraine
  • Г. А. Юрцева факультет менеджменту, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Запорізький національний університет», Ukraine




changes, innovations, Kaizen ideology, iron and steel work, continuous improvement, submission proposals’ system


The issue of necessity to involve employees in the innovative changes’ implementation process was considered in the article. Nowadays it is still topical not only financial, but also intangible motivation. Using the effective organizational change management tools, as an element of innovation process, enables enterprises to significantly increase adaptability to volatile conditions of external environment as well as ensure the improvement of internal processes. Creating conditions for effective development is one of the major aims of enterprise’s management. The continuous improvement system is one of the components of Kaizen ideology. It provides the implementation of participatory and promotes employees’ sense of involvement in a common cause, which is a powerful incentive to increase motivation to work. The article offers the optimization model of employee motivation in the change management process of the iron and steel work. This optimization designed to exclude the element of corruption and abuse of official position. Such optimization model based on the concept of participatory management, which involves low- and unskilled workers in the changes’ implementation process, leading to stimulation of employees’ activity and improving motivation, which in turn is one of the basic elements of change management. The improvement based on attracting low and unskilled workers in the process of implementing changes, which will lead to getting these workers’ motivation to work being promoted. In addition a considerable accretion in job satisfaction among these workers and development of continuous improvement as a part of the iron and steel works’ change management process are expected


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How to Cite

Бухаріна, Л. М., & Юрцева, Г. А. (2015). Bukharina L., Yurtseva H. Implementation of innovative model of employees’ motivation in the change management process. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.29.2015.52198