Tahtarova K.A. The development of migration in the international labor communications: methodological aspect


  • К. А. Тахтарова кафедра управління персоналом і економіка праці Донецького Національного університету, м.Вінниця, Ukraine




migration, the labor market, labor migration flows, labor force, employment, unemployment, international labor communication system


The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the international labor market, which essentially depends on labor migration, which in turn is determined by the situation on the domestic labor markets of exporting and importing countries of the workforce. Achievements STR, structural transformation of the global economy led to the emergence of new traits and characteristics of international labor migration, the transformation of the international labor market. International migration is enhanced in terms of economic relations in the world economy, the characteristic feature of which is the separation of the direct producers from the means of production, and the relationship of the uneven socio-economic development. Thus, international labor migration is one of the factors of the formation of an integrated world economic system, making them a powerful factor of economic development (migration provides the reallocation of labor to meet the needs of the most dynamically developing leads to the concentration of the economically active population in the major economic centers, allows you to master new areas and their natural resources, contributes to the well-being and growth of the professional level of employees).

The study phases of international labor migration, depending on etapizatsii of the world economy, classification of types of migration in the global economy it is concluded that at the current stage of the global economic system of international labor migration is a system of international economic relations that arise on the movement of labor between countries force to the most advantageous application abilities, its carriers, accompanied by the formation of optimum parameters of the global economic system


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How to Cite

Тахтарова, К. А. (2015). Tahtarova K.A. The development of migration in the international labor communications: methodological aspect. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.29.2015.52205