Melikhov А., Fedun K. Restructuring of the steel industry with the help of outsourcing of industrial gases


  • А. А. Мелихов кафедра економіки підприємств, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», Ukraine
  • К. В. Федун кафедра економіки підприємства, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», Ukraine



restructuring, outsourcing, industrial gases, efficiency


Article is devoted to consideration of expediency of carrying out restructuring by outsourcing in modern difficult conditions of development of the domestic industrial enterprises. In article the concept of restructuring outsourcing and advantage of its using. Relevance of use of industrial outsourcing at the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy is proved. The result of carrying out restructuring in the form of increase of efficiency of activity and competitiveness of the enterprise is defined. Also carrying out the project of outsourcing allows to increase the joint-stock cost and investment appeal of the main business and the service enterprises, gives opportunity to use the latest technologies and to improve quality of management. Three types of outsourcing and its classification are considered in article. The special attention is paid to use of an operational type of outsourcing of energy resources of the metallurgical enterprise. Insufficient study of production outsourcing in comparison with its other scopes of application is specified The problem of a choice of ways of using industrial outsourcing in modern economic conditions of Ukraine is allocated. Advantages of the transfer to outsourcing of process of production of industrial gases are given in the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy. Production of technical gases is considered as one of the processes providing production of steel and cast iron at several stages. The comparative analysis of two models of production of industrial gases at the metallurgical enterprises is carried out. Efficiency of restructuring outsourcing is reached by decrease in product cost, economy of costs of ensuring production of industrial gases and release of these means for development of the basic production. It is also necessary to note that the decision on transition to outsourcing is strategic and demands attentive study. The increasing use the process of production of industrial gases on outsourcing at the domestic and foreign enterprises testifies to expediency of more detailed studying of this question.


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How to Cite

Мелихов, А. А., & Федун, К. В. (2015). Melikhov А., Fedun K. Restructuring of the steel industry with the help of outsourcing of industrial gases. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 62–67.