Primush D., Momot A. Questions of increasing the economic responsibility of suppliers for the quality of products


  • О. І. Момот ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», Ukraine
  • Д. М. Примуш ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», Ukraine



social standards, manufacturers, import, export, supply, market, legislation, quickie


The questions related to the study of problems of economic responsibility for the quality of goods imported to Ukraine from the countries of Southeast Asia, including from China. In Ukraine is observed the growth of volumes of export and import operations, while the import steadily outstrips exports. The quality of imported products is of the great importance. In particular this applies to consumer goods, which in low solvency of the population have a major impact on the general well-being of people and their quality of life. A large proportion of imported goods to Ukraine falls on supplies from China. The article analyzes the causes that allow products from China to conquer world markets (including the market of Ukraine). The practice of the government of China to prevent the release of poor-quality goods companies was studied. The analysis of the market of imported Chinese goods in Ukraine was carried out. Based on the studies found that the basis of the established practice of supplies to Ukraine, are the next factors: the level of demand of the population; quality of work on the procurement of goods intermediary organizations; the level of consumer culture society. Analysis of the practice of deliveries of production from China to the US and Europe has allowed to formulate a conclusion - entering the Ukrainian market low quality products is evidence of low economic responsibility of organizations for the quality of procurement. This requires the development of a mechanism to increase the economic responsibility and personal responsibility to bring the unscrupulous managers intermediaries


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How to Cite

Момот, О. І., & Примуш, Д. М. (2015). Primush D., Momot A. Questions of increasing the economic responsibility of suppliers for the quality of products. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 133–139.