Mamatova L. Current state of financial-investment potential of Ukraine.


  • Л. Ш. Маматова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



investments, foreign direct investment, financial and investment potential, investment attractiveness, the index of investment attractiveness, investment climate, investment risks.


The development of market forms and methods of management requires substantial clarification of financial-investment policy, which would ensure the creation of adequate mechanisms of formation and implementation of financial-investment potential of enterprises. First of all, I mean, the - first, creating an effective mechanism for improving the financial and investment activity of enterprises and other economic entities, and in - the second, expansion investments at the expense of enterprises themselves, through the formation and implementation of their investment potential. However, the dynamics of investment in Ukraine imposed many processes associated with features of the period are: the absence of effective institutions of a market economy, the specifics of ownership relations, the lack of a clear understanding of the nature of investment, as well as other factors hindering the development and implementation of adequate public policy, improve the overall investment climate in the country and the formation of long-term investment strategies most business entities. Long-lasting crisis inUkrainehas affected all aspects of life: political, economic, social, and led to the deterioration of potential. As a result, these trendsUkrainecredited to the underdeveloped countries where production requires a high level of material, labor and energy costs. Therefore, to improve the condition in which there is a country requires significant investment, both external and internal. With the influx of additional capital at any level of the economy can ensure economic growth through the introduction of new technologies, updating the economic base, recreate optimal structural proportions in the economy and its regions and consequently ensure the full functioning businesses, increase the competitiveness of national production. Attracting investments into Ukrainian enterprises associated with the investment attractiveness of the investee. That is why the first step in making investment decisions is the evaluation of investment attractiveness of potential targets, which is to apply the tools of multivariate methods.


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How to Cite

Маматова, Л. Ш. (2015). Mamatova L. Current state of financial-investment potential of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 172–180.