Makarenko M., Potapova N. The role and significance of logistical activity of the enterprise for increase of its competitiveness


  • М. В. Макаренко Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Н. М. Потапова Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



logistical activity, competitiveness of the enterprise, material streams, transport logistics, logistical management


Significance of logistics for the enterprise is reasonable by means of the statistical data. It is underlined that competitiveness of the enterprise depends on possibility to cut the costs for profit increase. The last is possible only thanks to realisation of high-quality logistical operations. The logistics is considered as the factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprises. Management of commodity-material streams, their optimisation are the most widespread problems of management among many enterprises. Concentration of attention on logistics of movement of commodities and materials both those technologies and tools which are applied in this area is the important problem of competitiveness of the enterprise. The scheme of management is resulted by chains of deliveries. Each enterprise which applies the logistical approach in the activity, should aspire to creation of the adjusted controlling mechanism by chains снабжений. The availability of a working control system of chains of deliveries allows to supervise completely all stream of commodities and materials - from the supplier to the buyer, - to optimise each step on a way of movement of the goods, the information and the finance, reaching significant economy of resources of the enterprise. It is underlined that a logistics role in ability to live of the enterprises, especially industrial, very big. Activity of logistical services makes direct impact not only on management of logistical processes, and and on formation of a backlog of orders of the enterprise, and through it - on working out ассортиментной programs of production and corresponding strategy. The purpose of logistics is beyond reduction of costs and profit increase. Therefore at the given stage the concept of competitiveness of firm consists in reception of competitive advantage at the expense of the offer of additional services and increase of their quality. Further, in process of application of the given concept by the majority of firms, decrease in costs again can appear prime business, but already on other basis. So, increase of competitiveness of firms at the expense of logistics - process continuous and adaptive.


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How to Cite

Макаренко, М. В., & Потапова, Н. М. (2015). Makarenko M., Potapova N. The role and significance of logistical activity of the enterprise for increase of its competitiveness. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 189–196.