Huzhva I. WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement as a Tool for Increasing Participation of Ukraine in Global Value Chains


  • І. Ю. Гужва Українського державного університету фінансів та міжнародної торгівлі, м. Київ, Ukraine



global value chains, simplifying customs procedures, the World Trade Organization, transaction costs, the export-import operations, high-tech exports


The article deals with the features of global value chains formation and their impact on the development of international trade at the present stage. General background and main causes of the large spread of global value chains in recent decades are outlined. The essence of the "trade facilitation" concept in accordance with current international practice is discovered. The relationship between the participation in global value chains and trade facilitation is revealed. The basic goals, objectives and structure of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and its stipulations in the context of enhancing the participation of national economies in the global value chain are analyzed. Special features of WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation ratification and entering into force are revealed. A differentiated approach to implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation in domestic legislation is suggested. Current achievements and future prospects of Ukrainian economy development on the way towards implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation are revealed. The necessity to maintain a balance between speed of implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and economic security in foreign trade is outlined.


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How to Cite

Гужва, І. Ю. (2015). Huzhva I. WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement as a Tool for Increasing Participation of Ukraine in Global Value Chains. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 211–217.