Ivanov E. Geo-economic priorities of foreign trade policy of Ukraine
geo-economics, foreign trade policy, the Association Agreement, import substitution, intra-industry trade, economic integrationAbstract
The article deals with the priority areas for the implementation of foreign trade policy of Ukraine in the sectorial and territorial context of international trade. Three main directions of domestic manufacturers’ foreign cooperation – EU countries, former Soviet countries and the North Africa and Middle East – are analyzed. To obtain complete characteristics for each group, the following indicators are calculated: the global value chains participation index, the global value chains position index, the intra-industry trade index, the trade complementarity index and the coefficient of relative comparative advantages. A close relationship in the industrial and trade cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, which is characterized by the large difference in the positions of the parties concerning the level of goods’ processing and mutual demand on each other’s exports, is revealed. As for CIS countries, the accelerated trend towards disintegration of the most effective in the past (for domestic economy) trade and industrial relations, accompanied by trade wars and leveling previous achievements of foreign trade policy, is observed. Active implementation of import substitution course converts CIS countries into intra-competitive formation, eliminating even the long-term prospects for the resumption of cooperation. The NAME-region can be an alternative to the CIS countries for Ukraine in foreign trade. But it requires the intensification of intra-industry trade between them and the adequate participation of the Government in the conclusion of agreements on preferential trade between Ukraine and the NAME countries.References
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