Goldak V. The impact of globalization on economic security


  • В. І. Гольдак Інститут світової економіки і міжнародних відносин НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine



economic security, globalization, crisis, economic sovereignty, transnational corporations, neoliberalism


The article deals with the main types of threats to economic security, which is globalization. The nature of globalization, the stages of its formation and development are analyzed through the prism of economic security. The influence of globalization on the demographic situation and socio-political processes developed countries are identified. The features of economic expansion as a manifestation of globalization in the context of dollarization of the global economy are researched. The possibility of developed countries to distribute its economic and consequently political influence in the world is grounded. The activity of multinationals acting factor of economic penetration and, consequently, the political dominance of developed countries in the global environment is analyzed. It is revealed that the activities of MNCs allow unchallenged use resources that are in the host countries with minimal social responsibility for both the countries and the people who inhabit them. The reasons and consequences of the global financial and economic crisis as a typical negative manifestation of globalization are researched. The influence of the global financial and economic crisis on the economic security of Ukraine is analyzed. A SWOT analysis matrix of the economic security of Ukraine in the context of the neoliberal paradigm of globalization is suggested. Positive and negative sides of globalization are characterized. The main directions of economic sovereignty constraints under globalization are identified.


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How to Cite

Гольдак, В. І. (2015). Goldak V. The impact of globalization on economic security. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 311–317.