Stalinska O.V. The mechanism of state social policy implementation in an industrial region
social reform, sustainable development, mining and metallurgical complex mechanism social policyAbstract
Incomplete social reform, a protracted economic crisis have caused heightened interest of society to social policy, created a number of social problems in society, especially in the industrial sector, which hide the real threat to the stability of enterprise development, social relations, the threat of utmost property polarization of citizens, the spread of poverty. To prevent these negative processes it is necessary to recur and review the mechanism for social policy implementation, particularly in the industrial sector, which will ultimately create conditions for economic reforms and social progress.
Increased focus on social issues is primarily due to the entry of Ukraine into the European space, which should be defined, as well as in most European countries, the policy of socially oriented market economy - a combination of the principle of market freedom with the principle of social compensation.
The strategic goal of our country is balanced development of the state – which can be defined as a development that provides a certain type of equilibrium, i.e. the balance between the socio-economic and natural ingredients.
Ukraine carries out the appropriate steps for the implementation of the basic paradigm of development, determined by constant (balanced) development. Transition of Ukrainian Economy to the concept of sustainable development requires a detailed analysis of the current state, mechanisms for the implementation of social policy, development trends are clearly shown by the example of the mining and metallurgical complex (MMC), the basic sectors of the economy of Ukraine. Enterprises have a direct and indirect impact on the various stakeholders in the regions of their presence. These include the impact of social, environmental and economic aspects.
The challenge of effective and responsible enterprise is to ensure regional development and prevent degradation of each of these aspects, since sustainable development of the country and the planet as a whole directly depend on these factors.References
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