Bondar Iu. Essence of risk management in ensuring economic security


  • Ю. О. Бондар ДВНЗ «Запорізький національний університет» м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



management, risks, enterpriseб security, economic security


In the article the essence of economic security and outlines the place of economic security in its overall system. Indicated that the economic security of the enterprise has the features of economic security of the state as a whole, namely to meet the real economic needs of society at a level not below the critical limit, provide economic independence of the state, confront existing and emerging suddenly dangers and threats.

Studied approaches to the definition of economic security and conducted the comparison on the basis of which it was stated that economic security can be considered as: 1) protection against economic crime; 2) the state of protection against internal and external threats; 3) state the effective use of resources or capacity; 4) availability of competitive advantage; 5) implementation and protection of economic interests.

Based on the analysis, the author noted that the economic security of enterprise can be defined as a state enterprise in which is formed according to the presence of potential businesses available internal and external risks, the emergence and existence of which is due to external and internal environment. For values of conditions, the author determined that in order to strengthen the economic security of the enterprise, it is necessary to minimize the effects of emerging risks in the enterprise and formation of system management, which would be able to identify risk in the company and if possible reduce it during the decision-making


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How to Cite

Бондар, Ю. О. (2015). Bondar Iu. Essence of risk management in ensuring economic security. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 78–84.