Shafieva L., Directions of working-out the strategy of innovative development of enterprise in fruit and berry sphere of production


  • Л. Г. Шафієва Вінницький національний аграрний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



innovative development, innovative strategy, production capacities, technical level of enterprise, model of development


The paper investigates the need to use for a strategy of innovative development of the enterprises in fruit and berry sphere of production. Definitely, various forms of innovation, innovative directions and rules of activity of the enterprise should be planned for the achievement of the purposes of the enterprise, or the very purpose of the strategy has an innovative nature. If the investment resources are used, the strategy can be included to the type of investment. It was proved that the strategy of innovative development of resources is the development strategy of capacities, including the development of the productive apparatus, labor and financial resources, and the like. Strategies of the third direction reflect the consequences of implementation of enterprise strategies for the environment, society and international relations. Enterprise strategies may contain, to a certain extent, components, which help to achieve social, environmental and other effects. The set of indicators for measuring the effectiveness of implementation of such strategies is defined. Methodical regulations of the implementation of the strategies of innovative development of production capacities are worked out. It was determined that an innovative strategy of development of production capacities should be in obtaining the best economic results, that means - the maximum efficiency in the conditions of unstable external environment and in accordance with the dynamic production system. This new strategy of innovative development of production capacity can be called a strategy of maximum economic efficiency of the functioning of production capacity of a dynamic system. It is proved that the present stage of economic development must meet the strategy program of innovation and organizational development, and not a strategy, which consists of a set of individual measures. Such a program can be a proportional innovative  development of capacities


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How to Cite

Шафієва, Л. Г. (2015). Shafieva L., Directions of working-out the strategy of innovative development of enterprise in fruit and berry sphere of production. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 184–190.