Potapova N., Onishchenko V. Economic essence of the transportation service and its influence on economic development of region
a transport infrastructure, economic growth, region development, a transportation service, economic essenceAbstract
In the article the importance of a transport infrastructure for state economy is reasonable. It is underlined that efficiency of functioning of economy of the state in many respects depends on a transport level of development. It is allocated five directions on which there can be an influence of an infrastructure on long economic growth. It is noticed that the infrastructure as addition to other of production factors can be shown in two forms. On the one hand, infrastructure modernisation is capable to cut production costs. On the other hand, the good condition of an infrastructure increases productivity of other factors of production, including the capital, a labour and cumulative factorial productivity. The theoretical and practical analysis have allowed to draw a conclusion on ambiguous positive influence of a transport infrastructure on economic growth. In certain cases the best availability from the point of view of time and costs had even negative displays. The conducted researches show that an infrastructure - the important determinant of roughness in incomes and economic growth. Exact influence can depend, from infrastructure type. Consideration of the literature concerning growth models has allowed to receive the information on how on microeconomic level, the transport infrastructure could mention economic growth and productivity growth. Namely, the transport infrastructure could reduce shipping charges which expenses of a private sector allow to cut down and to increase specialisation and degree of a division of labour. Specificity of a transportation service stipulates necessity of quantitative reflexion for system of indicators of display of three levels of interpretation of a category "transportation service" depending on a type of transport and group of interests of consumers: a blessing version, an activity version, a kind of economic relations.References
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