
  • Zeinab Khatiri



Abstract. Commit strip, in French called "Bande dessinée", is sort of the comic story that presents anecdote
in the form of a series of sequential images accompanying the text, which follows a message and a narration in the aggregate of images. In terms of content on imagination and historical, it implies that it is humorous, which is why it has known as " Commit strip ". If commit strip is known as an illustrated story against verbal stories, this story also has structural elements - unique narratives; But the question that arises is that, in the commit strip stories, what are the position of the narrator, audience Story, characterization, and point of view? For instances, how to determine the personality of a person in these stories? Where is the narrator of story and first person or third person point of view?
Such questions have prompted author to carry out the present research and use a narrative approach to analyze the structural elements-narratively of the quantity of stretches in the children's literature.
Keyword: Narration, Text, Story elements, Commit strip.


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