Abstract. Given that the "growth-oriented economic model", on the one hand, relying on more consumerism, has extensively attempted to destroy non-renewable resources and, on the other hand, by turning these resources into hazardous and voluminous materials, threatens the environment of mankind, as a result, environmental security", this research has tried to test the effect of adopting a growth-oriented economy model (independent variable) on environmental security (dependent variable) through a descriptive-explanatory method, using library materials and reports from environmental
institutions. For this purpose, firstly, by examining several capitalist economics schools as well as Fordist and post-Fordist economies, the mass production and consumption indicator was extracted as the most important and most prominent indicator of the growth-oriented economy. In order to operate this index, the status of production and consumption of various products and services was studied in three parts of industry, agriculture and services, and it was found that during the period of approximately 50 years and ending to 2012, the rate of production and consumption of selected products and services has grown dramatically and far more than the population growth rate. On the other side of this equation, the environmental situation has become critical over this period. In order to study the environmental situation, the two indicators of "environmental footprint" and "bio-capacity" as well as "environmental performance index" are based. The hypothesis was tested and, according to the documentation provided, it has been proved that adopting a growth-oriented economy model has caused extensive environmental degradation and endangering environmental security, and therefore the hypothesis is confirmed.
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