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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".

Author Guidelines

Requirements for publications:

Requirements for publications

in scientific journals of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald


 General Terms

The editorial board of professional publications of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald is guided by the norms of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of education, scientific activity and intellectual property.

For publication in the journal are accepted articles of a problem, generalizing, methodological nature, representing original scientific research, have never been published before.

Articles are accepted in Ukrainian, English.

Mandatory stages of the work of the editorial board on the development of articles before publication are:

- checking for compliance with the requirements for editorial design in accordance with the state standards of Ukraine (DSTU 3008-95 "Documentation. Reports in the field of science and technology. Structure and rules of registration", DSTU GOST 8302: 2015 "Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules for drafting "DSTU 3582: 2013" Bibliographic description. Abbreviation of words and phrases in the Ukrainian language. General requirements and rules";

- implementation by the editorial board of internal and external reviewing of articles in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of July 2, 2020 No. 886 ( Annex 4);

- checking articles on plagiarism (articles 1, 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On scientific and scientific-technical activities"; Article 50 of the Law of Ukraine "On copyright and related rights"; paragraph 16 "Procedure for awarding scientific degrees and awarding the academic title of senior scientific officer ").



Stages of preparation for printing

 By submitting an article to the editors, the author guarantees that he has copyrights to the manuscript and consents to the publication of the text and metadata of the article (including the author’s last name and initials, his place of work, email address for correspondence) in print and electronic versions of the journal. access under the terms of the license Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International (see - the ability to freely read, download, copy and distribute the content of an article on educational and scientific with Kazan authorship.

  1. Articles are submitted to the department of scientific and editorial-publishing activities of the Academy on working days at the address: National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald, Kyiv, Lavrska St., 9, building 11,  office 204, tel. (044) 280-21-93, or by e-mail:
  2. Articles of graduate students, graduate students, applicants (persons who do not have a degree) are necessarily accompanied by a review indicating the scientific novelty and the relevance of the publication, signed by a doctor or a candidate of sciences (specialist by the profile). The reviewer's signature must be a stamped seal in the personnel unit.
  3. The paper copy of the article and its electronic version shall be submitted to the Scientific and Editorial-Publishing Department of the Academy. The author places his signature on each page of the printout, and on the first page also indicates the date of the article submission to the print.
  4. An article in which borrowing from materials from other authors is found without reference to the source is not returned for revision and is not published, and its author may submit to the editorial board other material.

 In case of re-identification of borrowings, the editorial office reserves the right not to take further materials of this author.

  1. Articles are published in singing no more than two authors.
  2. Citation:

  - all quotes should end with references to sources;

  - references to textbooks are undesirable;

  - Links to own publications are allowed only in case of urgent need;

  - the secondary citation is not permitted;

  - If in the review of literature or further in the text there is a link to the name of the scientist - his publication should be in the general list of literature after the article.

  1. If there are three or more grammatical mistakes on the page, the text will not be accepted for publication.
  2. The editorial board organizes an internal (mandatory) and external (if necessary) review of articles. The editor informs the author of the outcome of the review, sending him an e-mail conclusion.

 If the author does not agree with the comments of the reviewer, he must substantiate this in writing.  The editorial board reserves the right to reject an article if the author fails to ignore the reviewer's wishes unwittingly.


Structure of the article


  1. UDC index.
  2. Information about the author in Ukrainian and English containing the following data (without abbreviations and abbreviations): surname, name, patronymic, degree, academic rank, position with indication of the structural unit and the name of the institution at the principal place of work the author.  For example: Yasipenko Roman Mykolaiovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences of the National Academy of Managerial Staff Of Culture And Arts;  the international ID of the ORCID scientist must be entered.
  3. Contact information: telephone number, e-mail.
  4. The title is in Ukrainian and English.
  5. Annotations and keywords are given in three languages ​(in Ukrainian, English) with a maximum of 300 words (no more than 1800 printed characters with spaces). The abstract is presented in one paragraph, with alignment in width;  The abstract is provided by the requirements of the science-centered databases as a structured abstract and should contain such selected elements: the purpose of the work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions, keywords.  

 "After each annotation, the keywords are given in the appropriate language.  A keyword is a word or a stable phrase from the annotation text, which, in terms of information retrieval, carries a semantic load.  A set of keywords (a total of no less than three and not more than ten) should reflect the context of the main content of scientific work.  The key words are given in the nominal case, typed in a line, through a comma "(Ponomarenko L. A. How to prepare and defend a dissertation for a scientific degree, methodical advice - K., 2010).



Tsugorka O.P. Zakarpattia school of painting: the main stages of formation

 Purpose of the article is based on the consideration of artistic tasks and socio-historical factors to determine the main stages of the formation and development of the Transcarpathian school of painting.  The methodology of the research is based on the application of historical, cultural, artistic and biographical approaches, which made it possible to analyze the main creative principles of the leading Transcarpathian artists, their role in the formation of a separate artistic direction, as well as to find out their contribution to the development of the traditions of fine art in Ukraine, taking into account current trends.The interdisciplinary methodology at the same time made it possible to identify the main chronological and value-semantic constants of the formation of the Transcarpathian school of painting.  The scientific novelty consists in conceptualizing the notions about the main value-semantic factors and the milestones of the structure of the Transcarpathian school of painting, which significantly broadens the idea of ​​traditions and the relevance of its achievements for contemporary art, especially in the context of increasing interest in classical linguistics.  Conclusions.  The Transcarpathian school of painting is a separate direction of Ukrainian traditional painting, which at the same time correlates with the most famous world art trends.  The controversial cultural-historical and ideological-political realities played a role in this, in which the formation and development of the school took place, in particular, the creation of artistic constants of talented Ukrainian artists in Western European traditions.

 Key words: Transcarpathian School of Painting, A. Erdeli, J. Bakshay, Public Drawing School, Society of Fine Arts of Subcarpathian Rus, Uzhgorod Art-Industrial College, Transcarpathian Fine Arts Institute, Transcarpathian Academy of Arts.


  1. Requirements to the main text. The text of the article should contain:

 - "problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

 - analysis of recent researches and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and based on the author, the allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem to which the said article is devoted;

 - formulation of the aims of the article (statement of the task);

 - An outline of the main research material with the full justification of the scientific results obtained;

 - conclusions from this research and prospects for further exploration in this direction "(Extract from the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated January 15, 2003 No. 7-05 / 1).

  1. The above-mentioned structural elements of the article need to be highlighted from the paragraph in bold, namely, as follows: Relevance of the topic of the study. Analysis of research and publications.  The aim of the study.  Presenting the main material.  Scientific novelty.  Conclusions

 Any statistics provided should be supported by a reference to the sources.

  1. The list of used sources is issued by the requirements of State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Bibliographic link. General terms and conditions of drafting ".  Sources are given in the original language in alphabetical order.

 There should be at least 7-8 references to sources in the list; foreign sources are desirable;  A reference to foreign magazines with a high citation index or an essential monograph in this field is recommended.

 Abbreviations are issued by DSTU 3582: 2013 "Bibliographic description.  Abbreviations of words and phrases in Ukrainian.  General requirements and rules »;

  1. References (Latin literature) are given by a completely separate unit, repeating the list of research provided in the national language, regardless of whether there are foreign sources in it or not. If there are references to foreign publications in the list, they are repeated in the list in the Latin alphabet.  The References list is made according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Style (APA).  We recommend using automatic transliteration systems:

 For the transliteration of the Ukrainian text in Latin, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 2010 No. 55 ( should be applied;

 You can submit citations according to the APA style on the site of the online automatic link formation:

 For a detailed description of the transliterated Latin, see the list of sources used.  on the Academy website:  % D0% BD% D1% 8F_References.pdf


Technical design

  1. Volume - up to 13 pages (20,000 characters with spaces), (including annotations, tables, graphs and list of sources used). Review or review - up to 3 pages.
  2. The text of the article is executed in the format of the Microsoft Word Word. Page options - A4 format;  orientation - book;  fields - 2 cm;  Font - Times New Roman;  angle - 14;  line spacing -1,5;  paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm The text should be aligned to the width of the sheet.  Signatures for drawings and tables are typed in Times New Roman 12.

 Figures and tables are placed in the text of the article with the alignment on the center of the page, without wrapping text and without leaving the set field.  Figures and tables should be presented in the article directly after the text, where they are mentioned for the first time.  For each formula, table, graphic, graph in the text there must be binding links.

  1. The links are made as follows: [8, 25], where 8 is the serial number of the source in the list, 25 is the page number. Links to several sources: [8, 25;  4, 67].
  2. Footnotes: "..."; double quotes for the quote in the quote: "..."."
  3. The sample of the signature under the illustration: V. Sterligov. Curve problem number 1.  1970. Canvas, oil.  83 × 105.  State Museum of History.  St. Petersburg.
  4. The requirements of DSTU 3008-95 execute tables and formulas.
  5. The notes are drawn up as footnotes. Microsoft Word tools are not used.  The sign of the footnote is executed in a straight line Arabic immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which an explanation is given.  Notes are placed after the main text before the list of sources used.

 Example: In the text:

 The purpose of the article is to trace the relationship between the philosophical category Nothing[1] and the concept ...

 After the main text before the list of used sources:


[1] Writing Nothing of the capital letter is used in cases where the relevant philosophical category is meant, with emphasis on its significance and upon the wishes of the author himself.  In the cited quotes, spelling is based on the author's spelling.

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Names and addresses specified by you when registering on the site will be used solely for technical purposes: to contact you or reviewers (editors) in the process of preparing your article for publication and in any case will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.