
  • Olha Ovcharuk



ideal, category, value, value-semantic content, world view, cultural knowledge, philosophy, philosophy of culture, art


The article from the analysis of categorical position ideal categories, based on a synthesis of scientific expertisein the context of his understanding of the cultural sciences as philosophy, philosophy of culture, art theory, the expediencyof incorporating the concept of "ideal" in the categories of cultural studies.

It is proved that the formation of new areas of human knowledge, including cultural studies needs to develop asa specific scientific methodology that would be served as effective tools for understanding cultural phenomena andmeanings, and design appropriate categorical apparatus to reflect the intrinsic properties of the culture on which carriedsystematization of cultural phenomena.

In the cultural sciences is the problem of systematization of an integrated system of categorical apparatus. Traditionally,its formation was carried out by loan categories and concepts in philosophy, political science, sociology, psychology, linguistics andother disciplines, and adapt them to meet the needs of cultural studies, some categories do not have direct analogues in othersciences and in need of development and self-justification, others – with regard to research updates tools can be reinterpretedfrom the standpoint of modern ideological context of values and meanings of classic categories and concepts borrowed from otherfields of humanities. Calling into question the need for the solution of similar problems caused by the whole process of culturalknowledge, which made specific methods of analysis of culture and establish relevant cognitive model. In an ideal situation, we need to rebels understanding of this cultural phenomenon in modern cultural dimensions paradigm, which may create the conditionstaking into account the best achievements of domestic and foreign philosophical reflection of the past.

Despite the fact that in the modern scientific literature accumulated a large amount of research devoted to understandinghow the ideal of philosophical and aesthetic (G. Gadamer, E. Kasyre, G. Cohen, G. Shpet, J. Boryev,O. Voevodin, L. Levchuk, V. Lychkovah, N. Vernygora, V/ Panchenko, L. Stolovych, V. Khmara, O. Ukhov, E. Yakovlevet al.), ethical (M. Brovko, Y. Afanasyev, V. Bitayev, A. Onishchenko, S. Ulanova, A. Fed, I. Fed et al.), teacher(G. Vashchenko A. Wisniewski, W. Kremen, A. Konovets, N. Kalita, N. Opanasenko, V. Sukhomlinsky, A. Skrynska),sociopolitical (B. Barkov, G. Dashutin, O. Kornienko, V. Lectorskyy, V. Makarenko, N. Mudrahey, A. Novikov, etc.). categoriesas cultural concept of science is not considered ideal.

Methodological approaches to the study of the concept of the ideal articles selected categorical way of understandingculture, serving as a mechanism of cultural studies. The proposed approach is, in turn, provides an analysis ofthe concept of the ideal as a category of philosophy and culture category from the standpoint of historicism. In this regard,noted that the problem categories occupied an important place in most philosophical systems of the past. Yes,overarching categorization of individual things classically represented in the teaching of Aristotle on the category. Inmodern times, the doctrine of the categories developed by representatives of German classical philosophy. For Kant'scategories serve as a universal form, in which there is understanding of all things, a priori forms of mind, a way of summarizinglessons learned. The writings of Hegel’s theory of categories were developed in three plans – purely logical,historically, in the context of the whole of culture.

In keeping with the Marxist tradition of scientific research conducted categorical framework of philosophy ingeneral and the ideal, particularly national scientist’s 60-80-ies of XX century.

The methodology of Cultural important place belongs to the categories as the most fundamental and substantialnotion of cultural patterns, events, processes and relations, the essential characteristics of the culture, based on whichthe systematization of cultural phenomena studied and developed the methodology of knowledge. Based on the relevanceof contemporary cultural studies methodological search as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, universal knowledgewhich is the subject of culture, the problem of the theoretical ideal status category within cultural studies involvesan appeal to the scientific understanding of the experience of this category in the space of the cultural sciences as philosophyof culture and art history.

It is shown that a fruitful approach to understanding the categories and their role in the study of cultures of differentages invited prominent Soviet scientist A. Gurevich. S. Rubinstein in the "Man and the World" offers his approachto the categories of culture that takes into account the dependence of the definition of input from people in the circle oflife. VP Bran proposed concept classification values that are inextricably linked with the appropriate classification of ideals.

In connection ideals, norms and values indicate B. Hubman. Describing the process of designing social systems ofthe human being, as regards the ideal of a certain type of project that embodies the idea of the perfect man and the perfectorganization of human life, the modern scientist M. Kagan.

Based on the analysis in the article argues that it is the nature of the ideal values, specifying vectors for furtherdevelopment of culture and its focus on the future and ensure its projective character heuristic categorical potential dimensionsof cultural knowledge with the ability to attract and humanitarian methods of social analysis. As a cultural categorymay be the ideal for the detection and understanding of the value and meaning of the cultural dimension in whichthe accumulated social experience any human communities.

Thus, the validity of the concept of separation as an ideal cultural concept due to the fact that it integrates ideological, normative values and projective aspect of the intrinsic properties of the culture, it fixed axiological, epistemologicaland aesthetic features of the development of culture and its modifications reflect the dynamics of culturaltransformations in certain historical stages. This creates conditions for further conceptualization of the notion of culturalideals within the theory and history of culture through bringing modern methodological strategies.




