
  • Liudmyla Pyliavets



globalization, culture, identity, self-identity, mental and spiritual values


The article deals with the basic aspects of social and cultural changes caused by globalization processes at thepresent stage of its development. Particular attention is paid to the problems of self-determination rights, indirect spiritual,mental value, ethnonational transformations that affect the processes of identification and identity. The need forestablishing the foundations of tolerance and an attitude of respect for other cultures while maintaining their own nationalidentity and cultural specificity.

Globalization creates a wide range of problems related to various areas of social life. Last and encouragesresearchers to focus primarily on the problems of human identity and its identity, transformation, which, in fact, gave riseto the processes that are now called globalization. That man – the main active protagonists of globalization.

Therefore, the process of globalization in the early twenty-first century. actualized many problems. Among them aprominent place occupied Questions spiritual values and ethno-national identity and self-identity. It is through the process ofidentification and identity, as well as related needs, perceptions, feelings, values, intentions, motives, and emergingidentification with certain cultural patterns and models, behavioral-role function, social institutions and relationships.

For a long time it was thought that it was opposed by traditionalist values of modernization, but socio-culturaldynamics of the globalized world has forced the scientific community in a different way vidrefleksuvaty this conventionalsense. Currently, the primary identity becomes qualitatively new characteristics: traditional instruction reinterpreted andadapted to the new reality. It is the spiritual and religious values can now not only contribute to the socio –culturalintegration in societies that modernized – appeal to them is ethically motivated the search criteria of individual identity.

It is not surprising that even in developed countries is now clear tendency to the restoration of historical andethnic character of local traditions and cultural features that are often inherent characteristics of individual and groupidentity, a sort of "guarantors" of sustainability. Growing popularity of so-called education historical language that mayhave lost communication at the same time preserved the identity function, and therefore attracted ever lost interest.

Popularized ethnic cuisine, Absolutely Africa in clothing, interiors, architecture.General form of integration into the global community of ethnic and cultural space is now increasingly becominga problem of personal choice. And that choice is inevitable in defining the boundaries of identity involves isolating specificcharacteristics of individuals and groups in correlation with the corresponding value of spiritual and cultural symbols ofthe nation state ( civilization) or separate inokulturnogo group.

So the two (the actual day ) directions search for identity – unity in diversity and opposition group etnoduhovnyhproperty values of other cultures – are transformed into a kind of conflict – between multiculturalism and ethnicnationalism.

Multiculturalism – as guidance on maintaining ethnic unity and the value of the inhomogeneous society – offersa model of social action focused on freedom of expression of cultural experience. Multiculturalism is committed to culturaldiversity as a constant (essential) and the most valuable quality (features) of the modern world , but politics is understoodas democratic and developed countries. Parameters relevant policy sets the state.

The task of any nation state that understands the inevitability of globalization – primarily to preserve their ownmental-spiritual values that form the core of its culture. Ethnic identity is really suffering under the pressure of globalizationactive calls. The common area of residence and a common past, historical memory, traditions, rituals, traditions – all that isthe basis of ethnic and national identity of the people, now more and more is on the periphery of the problems faced by thestate, affected by migration, planting Westernized samples masovizatsiyi mosaic of culture and so on.

The most important premise that today must prevail in dealing with the problems of globalization , there is anunderstanding that formed millennia mental and spiritual values do not have to compete with one hand – with new, partlytechnologized universalizovanymy samples and culture, on the other – inokulturnogo samples must not "dilute" ethnicnationalvalues and are formed on the basis of their identity. Therefore the main task today – equal dialogue of cultures.

For problems with laying the foundations of cultural dialogue and tolerance should be directed work state basededucation friendly attitude towards other cultures, the development of various forms of intercultural exchange, but subjectto the express terms of emphasis on preserving the national identity and cultural specificity.




