
  • Iryna Alieksieienko доктор політичних наук, професор, Ukraine




direct democracy, democratic procedures, political process, civil society, globalization


Іnformation and communicative technologies, the processes of globalization related to them actualized the problemof direct realization of power citizens, that became the sign of time not only in the developed countries of the worldbut also in Ukraine. The supporters of direct democracy bind subsequent development of society to deepening of directdemocracy. These moods are consonant with the revisions of representatives of scientific public. Theoretical works inwhich possibility of transformation of the existent representative system is grounded in the system of direct folk rule goout exactly on verge of ages.In this connection it is important to understand, what prospects of development of direct democracy open achievementof modern civil society. Actually did they add direct democracy such mighty impulse, that it is possible in earnest to talkabout transformation of the political and legal systems of the modern democratic states, in the system of direct democracy?From an answer for this question in a great deal making of going depends near the decision of such issues of the day of contemporaneity,as problems of organization of public power, development of the system of constitutional legislation but otherWithin the limits of critical comprehension of potential of direct democracy as basis of democratization of globalpolitical process (carried out within the framework of theoretical and methodological approaches of normative theory ofdemocracy and theory of political participation) a minimalism, essence of which in consideration of democracy as to themean of collective decision of problems, to which it costs to befit from position of concentration of attention, becomesfirmly established the family, mainly on democratic procedures and taking into account minimum ability of both democracyof participation and democracy of political discussion of the real transformation of political interests of participants ofpolitical process and the same to influence on acceptance of political decisions in relation to the problems of local, nationaland global levels. Being attracted in the newest debates about ideals and realities of democratic process, in thespirit of minimalism comprehends him And. Yang, which came forward from position of critical approach to the traditionalunderstanding of ideal of and participating in a political process.A conceptual comprehension of problem of globalization of civil society in the modern world is important preconditionof forming of democratic global political process which includes the wide spectrum of modern actors of worldwidepolicy. Within the limits of political registration of globalization in the river-bed of democracy terms are created for

opposition strengthening of authoritarian totalitarian tendencies in the objective processes of internationally political registrationof globalization with its concentration on power forms and methods of providing of safety in a fight against terrorism, transcontinental criminality, international migration at intergovernmental level. At all of necessity of application ofviolent methods of fight against terrorism violence does not give the guarantee of victory none of sides. In this understandingdemocratization of global political process and international relations comes forward so far the unique alternativeto global authoritarianism in a worldwide policy.

In the XXI item Ukraine, as well as other countries, ran into intercivilization problems, which go out on the prosceniumof worldwide policy and touch the most deep cultural, valued bases of existence of nation, state. A civilization choice ofUkraine is its self-determination in the co-ordinates of postindustrial civilization with the lines of opposition and conflicts.




