
  • Ol'ha Kopiyevs'ka



civil society institutions, democracy, function of culture, cultural policy


The article is devoted to the problem of our time, which is associated with an important feature of a democratic society, namely the development of civil society.

In studies of different scientific schools, the author analyzes developed civil society as a necessary condition for good governance, which in its turn allows protecting individual and social interests of citizens, controlling solution and power of state, participating in the implementation of state policy. The author believes that civil society actively promotes the process of political democratization defending the material and spiritual independence of man from the state, seeking legal guarantees this independence, protection of private and public interests of the people.

The article reveals the socio-cultural and socio-political phenomenon of civil society, characterized by branching system of social institutions, practices and values as the basis for effective functioning of democratic civil society that acts in the field of culture.

Author uses a multidisciplinary approach that identifies and analyzes scientific and theoretical approaches to the definition of "civil society." In particular, the updated scientific approach to the object of research by the national law, political science schools and scholars of public administration are used. In this case, the author points out that from the standpoint of cultural ideas, activities of civil society, hardly considered.

The author focused special attention on the analysis of the characteristics and structures of civil society inUkraine, defining it rather complex and multi-level system as including: interpersonal relations without government interference; relationship between the independent and state public institutions that implement daily individual and collective needs.

In view of studying the problem, the author defines the perspectives of transformation of Ukrainian society, thus actualizing priority on development at the national level, the relevant criteria and mechanisms for the spread of human values and social solidarity.

Relevance of the article caught the attention of the author's examination of historical retrospective of civil society inUkraine. The author emphasizes the democratic and market transformations that contributed to the cultural activities of various actors, including such representatives of civil society as NGOs, charities, national cultural organizations, creative unions, and so on. Their culture-mission has been separately determined and analyzed.

Analyzing the current priorities of civil society inUkraine, the author stresses the European perspective, which is main landmark of the country. By raising issues of contemporary domestic practice of interaction of authorities with various representatives of civil society, the article reveals the practical implementation of the process of cultural functions of the state, analyzes the organizational and legal basis of this interaction.

In accordance with this goal, the author reveals the practical principles of public participation in the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of culture.

So, the place and role of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture ofUkrainein the system of interaction between the executive authorities and other entities that carry out activities in the sphere of culture have been defined.

Legal principles of the Public Council have been identified; quantitative and qualitative characteristics have been made.

In the analysis of factual material action plan for the implementation of public consultation on the cultural development of the Ukrainian state, protection of cultural rights of citizens, international cultural relations, initiatives for creative and artistic practice.

Special attention is focused on the activities of professional creative unions that are active participants in the civil movement in the implementation of the basic principles and priorities of the national cultural policy. Their numerical amount is determined, their regulatory and legal nature is analyzed, problems of their practice are characterized. Special attention is focused on determining the ways of their correction in order to attract potential alliances in the implementation of the strategic goals of cultural policy inUkraine.

In conclusion, the author states that the development of civil society inUkrainewas marked by a strong movement that is characterized by a common interest in the transformational changes that takes place in the country.

According to the author, in this case the common interest acts as a national interest, expressing interest in different socio-demographic groups. Efficient and effective use of the relationship that is defined and analyzed in the paper of social practices and values will create a democratic state based on national idea where citizens of Ukraine will feel the full subjects of life of the country, implementing the constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.




