
  • Maksym Tymoshenko



people, creativity, personification, music, composer's individuality, cultural and artistic experience


The article is devoted to the problem, which reveals the importance of individuality in human creativity. It is defined the role of the latter in the process of cultural value orientations experience. The complex relationship between human creativity and II created by her own culture were and remain today one of the priority areas of humanitarian thought. To some extent these relations is always a mystery, something which is not subject of rational interpretation.

Therefore, causing the existence of human beings with a wide range of individual attitudes, characteristics, habits, creativity is also the result of person’s self-realization, which means the storage and transfer of experience in its many dimensions, the result of subject – a symbolic implementation of the human community, reflection of consciousness in the outside world space.

Describing the paradoxical relationship of man with artistic creativity as universal hronotopical phenomenon caused irony and the phenomenon of man. Scientific improvements, identified and analyzed by the author allowed to identify the main creative processes of human existence in a culture that allowed the author to conclude a comprehensive approach to the study of the basic approaches for the formation of scientific novelty of this study.

Discovering personification of an important category of culture-building knowledge, the author stresses the need for awareness and understanding its creative resonance, in which the main subject of man appears not only in the process of self-discovery, self-expression, but also the cultural development in general.

Realizing and justifying the research, author demonstrates the relevance of undeniable consideration of this issue in the context and personalization, while claiming its coverage of the human knowledge modern system.

Analyzing the research on the subject of the article, the author stresses and on the factual material proves interdisciplinary study of this subject. In particular, the author stresses the certain cultural research which requires methodological justification and specification. In view of the wagered perspective, the article distinguishes two groups of questions corresponding to the modern culture-building component process: the situation of musical creativity as underlined, even leading the field of cultural semantics (for the period) and the question about specific qualities. However, typical properties and features of Ukrainian composers creativity the last decades of the XX – e.y. XXI centuries. The author believes this processual prompts, including historical and processual side of music and creative and cultural creativity in their value as unity.

Special attention is drawn to the author's study of the issue of creativity on examples of the national science school. In particular, the author distinguishes musical creativity and views on leading research in the context of the musical culture ofUkraine.

Author’s research involves activity-analysis of musical life inUkraineand its historical retrospective, combining consideration of the general features of musical culture and specific forms of composition, performance, media and amateur musical creativity. In the monographic and dissertation research author defines the objectives, concepts and categories of object and subject of study. Implementation of the last research allowed the author to conclude that the termonological accumulation of research subject that is characterized by certain common point of view. Thus, author of the paper emphasizes the need for new invention, adequate modern music and the creative process, including process creation of new genres and social adaptation concepts of style, that style of music-nominations, which will be transformed by the existing scientific approaches.

In view of the subject of study, the author refers to the position of innovative achievements in musical creativity, content in Ukrainian culture and music awareness, stressing at the same time on the specific gravity of musicological activity, confirming the value of the latter as an important component of cultural reflection and study musical context required aesthetic and musical and artistic events. Exploring the latest, the author argues priority attention from the culture, which can be interpreted as an important research subject, interpreted from the standpoint not only highly professional, but also social and cultural requirements.

From the perspective of changes in the construction of meaningful human creativity in the article stresses the importance of consciousness, according to the author opens the way art thinking and direction of self-actualization. The latter author considers the example of a musical work, the composer's personality, professional musicological knowledge. Conducted – by the author of the paper research allowed to state that the study in question personification in its cultural and artistic sense of actuality is characterized by unconditional and has become the object of active discussion in Ukrainian cultural science.




