The problem formation of methodological heterogeneity in studies of cultural dimensions "Individualism-Collectivism"


  • Viktor Romanutskyi getter, Ukraine



individualism, collectivism, interdisciplinary, scientific approach, methodology, cross-cultural research


hes to the study of the cultural dimension "individualism – collectivism" on the basis of scientific heterogeneity, interdisciplinarity and pluralism. Special attention is given to the basic approaches to the problem and overcome contradictions in research priority of individual or cultural and social determinants in the study of individualism – collectivism. The main controversy in the study of cultural phenomena that emphasize or individuality or collectivist priorities, prompted the creation of various scientific studies , particularly within the same field of knowledge to which the cultural and science. They often could not reach an agreement, which still determines the formation of the dispositions and values ekspektatsiy in society – people who care about satisfying their interests and needs, and then builds a culture according to his own purpose, which is reflected in the relevant motives, or culture, based on the idea of goal-setting, i.e. joint collective action. So appeal to their analysis seems important aspect not only for conceptual understanding of the phenomenon of individualism and collectivism, but also to justify the need for further research in the growing trend towards interdisciplinarity. In the first phase the formation of research methodology dilemma individualism – collectivism influenced the development of quantitative methods based on traditional ethnology interaction with research technologies demography and sociology. To date, quantitative method in conjunction with an interdisciplinary methodology can be considered the ultimate in cross-cultural studies cultural dilemmas. However, the article pay attention to a number of new features and approaches that influenced the modern methodology of the study. In particular, the proposed Florence Klakhon and Clyde Klakhonom way to systematize values, quantitative (mathematical) methods of survey, analysis of variance among the first to find this kind of research.




