Tavern as an institution Ukrainian hospitality


  • Valentyna Rusavska Ph.D., Ukraine




tavern, hospitality, peasants, Chumaky


This paper investigated peculiarities of functioning as an inn establishment Ukrainian hospitality It was found and its role in the life of the peasantry. Given that the hospitality industry is one of the major and defining component of a service economy, it is necessary to explore the cultural and historical context of the formation of Ukrainian hospitality facilities, including a prominent place belongs to the tavern. So already in the nineteenth century Ukrainian scientist ethnographer Chubynsky P. tavern called "people's club" whose function was explained propensity Ukrainian peasants to "communication group" of everyday and festive entertainment. Of particular note is the fact that "the farmer, going to the bar and invites a woman". This shows respect for women in Ukrainian society. The purpose of the article – consider the characteristics of the tavern as a specific institution Ukrainian hospitality. Tavern since the XI century exists in many Slavs. On the Ukrainian territory tavern known since the times of Kiev Rus, which in towns and large villages were located mainly on the side of the road. The word "tavern" in accordance with "dictionary-old Ukrainian language XIV century" Mentioned in documents as early as 1359 year. Dal V. in "intelligent dictionary" believes that the term "tavern" South european origin, identifies it with the southeast "tavern". M.Fasmer to distinguish Slavs are two meanings of the word "tavern", "Ukrainian tavern, Bulgarian Krъchma, serbohorv. Krchma – hostelry, cook shop. Depending on the purpose of the tavern, there are two main types of it: no check-tavern, tavern with a stop. Given the size of the tree, taverns existed numerous class of people engaged in servicing visitors and specially devoted themselves to this profession, which also belonged to the special role of women. Tavern, shynok served as a center of community life, as discussed here and communal court cases concluded oral agreement skriplyuvani garnish, there were village meetings or communication between ordinary villagers, were the most important actions that perform the function of socialization, especially taking guys to the group of adults. In numerous archival materials, including official documents – decrees, statistics, complaints, police reports on taverns, contains information about the specifics of these facilities and service are residents of Ukraine.




