
  • Tetiana Bozhko Ph.D. (Art History), Associate Professor, Head of Graphic Design and Advertisement Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



advertising and graphic products, design concepts, compositional organization of information


This publication continues scientific research on design concepts, relevant graphic design, and conditions of their implementation in the promotional products. This article examines the implementation variability of the ethnical

concepts based on various iconic-symbolic elements and their groupings. The article gives the foundation for the

presence of typical composite groupings. It describes the conditions for a compositional organization of information

according to the ethnical concept.

It is proved that the designer’s project proposals are unable to encode the content accurately in case they do not have a clearly defined vector style. Thus, the implemented projects do not apply visual methods nor clarify the content, but cover the content up.

The article demonstrates that the letter font, symbol and sign elements are the most condactive for the visual embodiment of ethnically oriented design concepts. Because of them, a significant number of imaginative, emotional and contextual material is transformed into a set of stereotypes about certain ethnic culture. The combined effect of these elements can increase due to compliance with the conditions of the composite representation of information codes or decrease due to the neglection of the established compositional patterns. Each code represents well organized, and to some extent typical compositional scheme. This is an equal pointer ethnic oriented media, as well as signs, letters and symbols within this scheme.

For Ukrainian ethnical concept the main features for of the compositional organization of information are

fundamentality, concordance, symbolism, subordination.

Fundamentality. It is the selection of resistant composite connections between different elements or their stable

groups distributed within a culture that are not compatible with infinite variation of their combinations, but are the subjects to the traditions of visual coding. .

Concordance. It is an interaction of ethnic characters or visually stylized images without keeping precision scale,

rhythm, contrast, nuance. These characters partially ordered or they are based on repeated changes of ordering. (at the background area, or within the main semantic forms). This compositional method imposes restrictions on the "creative space" in relation to quantitative and qualitative composition as separate elements, as well as composite their groups involved in it.

Symbolism. It is an emphasis on the original form symbolism that was realized because of the accuracy and pithiness of graphical implementation of the essential qualities. These qualities have to be transmitted by visual

channels. The compositive group based on retention of this technique, focuses on meaningful fillings for one of the

encoding means (signs, symbols or letters font) or it secretes the opposition or merge of several images based on the

same mean, in such a way that a new formation would get a consistancy of interpretation.

Subordination. This is subordination and coordination of shapes, sizes, and related plastic changes between

stylized, formalized textual and emblematic elements of the visual message. Because of subordination relationships

between elements of visual get credibility and solid outline information notice get consistency.




