
  • Mykola Kanievskiy applicant Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts;, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Osypova Ph.D., Associate Professor of Publishing and Printing Institute Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine



garden landscapes, composition features, garden compositions


One of important conditions for determination of ways of development and perfection of activity of landscape art

and landscape design there is making of the newest principles of geometrical construction of afore-mentioned facilities on the modern stage. A geometrical design and planning of landscape facilities is considered priority direction on the modern stage of domestic landscape art building.

One of basic principles of organization of landscape compositions there is collateral subordination. What means

efficiency of all elements and their groups, in relation to organization of compositions on a separate geometrical sign. It is known that the complex model of collateral subordination allows to define the general rules of composition organization of picture space and define the groups of key points which materializes accentual-rich in content by forms. But the action of this model does not spread on landscape facilities.

However considered frontal compositions in a landscape design can be exactly from positions of model of collateral subordination.

As, leading direction of forming of landscape facilities of different functional direction is a search of new geometrical principles of their organization and planning, application of model of collateral subordination, for the search of principles composition geometrical organizations of landscape facilities are perspective.

Research facilities the chosen public gardens, grounds, territories, in form circle. Leaning against the model of collateral subordination defined the size of the agreed radial module for landscape compositions in form circle, as

distance between two points, where one of them is an intersection tops a square, entered in a circle, with a diagonal, and second is an intersection that diagonal with a circle, entered in this square.

At imposition of module nets, built on the base of model of collateral subordination identically level, for objects in

form square and circle, it is possible to find out a tendency to grouping of his elements in concrete figures, which appear at their consideration. In basis of this tendency of grouping it is possible to select the geshtalts factors of determination of properties of figure, which allow us to perceive a form.

On the base of the conducted researches a few examples of landscape compositions were built with different plan charts and amount of areas, different amount and form of elements. The offered method allows not only to develop

new landscape compositions, but also successfully to reconstruct blasted. The example of application of module net of 6th level and radial module is resulted by the size of 45°, for the reconstruction of a plan chart of the Ruskogo garden of flowers of end of ХІХ ages.

With the use of model of collateral subordination certainly sizes of the concerted module nets for the objects of

landscape design in form circle, on the base of which: – the new types of landscape compositions are created at the

terms of the use of geometrical principles of their construction; – certainly basic ways of organization and equipping with modern amenities of the newest landscape compositions in a design; – it is set geometrically composition connection of the pas and modern at creation of the newest landscape educations. – from positions of geshtalt psychology of fundamental visual processes and mechanisms on which the founded perception of contours and contrast certainly lines of force for the most successful location of elements of landscape compositions.

On the base of the agreed modules original landscape compositions are developed for objects in form circle, which have geometric consistency in the form and weight most of the individual elements; relationship forming lines; the

choice and substantiation of the optimum distance between elements in the visual integrity of the grouping.

Leading direction of forming of landscape facilities of different functional direction is a search of new geometrical

principles of their organization and planning. Consequently the offered principle composition geometrical organizations of facilities, on the basis of the developed base models of public gardens, gardens, parks, created with the use of the agreed modules is perspective.




