
  • Marianna O. Chernysh PhD in Cultural studies, lecturer of the drawing and painting chair, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine



globalization, identity, cultural transformations, values


This article reviews the influence of the globalization phenomenon on the cultural sector. The problem field is marked transformations of contemporary culture in a new civilizational terms. The issue of globalization is much discussed among scholars. An example is the considerable number of papers on different spheres regarding the interpretation of this phenomenon.

The emergence of new communication and technology development lead to increasing of the interactions in almost all spheres of culture. Thus, the study of globalization processes are taken place in the different scientific disciplines such as cultural, sociological, philosophical, economic, political, legal and etc.. The personal researches concern the impact of globalization on narrow areas of public life such as informational, linguistic, environmental. The diversity of the globalization phenomenon leads to the fact that each approach reveals only some aspects and can interpret this phenomenon as rooted in the logic of economic and industrial development, or as an epiphenomenon of the communication progress of mankind.

Among the studies of cultural transformations in the context of globalization processes we cannot forget the studies that have become classics of science such as the "Clash of Civilizations" S. Huntington and works of scientists S. Benhabib, W. Beck, D. Bell, S. Baumann, G . Bodriyara, I. Wallerstein, R. Dahrendorf, T. Eagleton, M. Castells, R. Robertson, E. Smith, A. Toffler, M. Waters, F. Fukuyama, D. Held. These studies are characterized by a tendency of the systematic consideration of the globalization process that the results in a change in the cultural realm undergo significant expression of it.

Among the works that are worth to deserve special attention by their passive, objective and nonestimate attitude to globalization and its impact on the cultural environment can be distinguished research J. Derrida, N. Varovoyi, V. Liakh, N. Pelaheshi, N. Tishuninoyi, E . Ustyugov. Great attention in these works devoted to the transformation of cultural phenomena in the modern era and the discovery of new forms, conditions and opportunities of cultural identification. Cultural aspects of globalization have analysed in the scientific works of B. Adams, S. Eisenstadt, G. Robertson, M. Firestone, U. Hannerz. The authors of these studies have focused on the identification and study of vectors and various directed dynamics of cultural development, the hybrid nature of cultural interaction. For example in this context R. Robertson emphasizes not only the probability of homogenization then the globalization cultures.

The problem of globalization impacts on the cultural sphere is drawn the attention of researchers representing various scientific areas, but the emphasis in such research relates primarily to socio-economic, socio-political or politicolegal aspects.

The goal of this article is not solving the problem field of globalization and culture "relationships" (which is basically impossible within the short article) but is its delineation and definition of the research vectors. According the given the definition of M. Waters essence of globalization is the globalization primarily cultural exchanges. Though the globalization entails a return to traditional identities but such return won’t be an adequate response to the challenge of globalization. You must create a new identity and the opportunities to realize the personality in the globalization era.




